Symbol '22: Symbol Sourcebook @50
Virtual Symposium
The Symbol Group’s inaugural online symposium examined the 50th anniversary of industrial designer Henry Dreyfuss’ discipline-defining Symbol Sourcebook, to reveal the legacy underpinning our current fascination with emojis, icons and symbols and explore new symbol applications.
7 - 8 OCTOBER 2022
Day 1:
7 October 2022
Session Videos
Examined the importance of symbols using Dreyfuss' book as a starting point considering themes of:
Universal language
Symbol design history
The influence of technology
Emily Orr introduces Cooper Hewitt Symbol Sourcebook Archives Russel Finchum author of “The Man in the Brown Suit” introduces Henry Dreyfuss Arpie Gennetian A Future Collaboration: Our Search for Symbols Sue Perks Breaking the Language Barrier.
Symbol22: Session 1 Friday
Symbol22: Session 2 Friday
Hisayasu Ihara Pictograms in Motion: North American Pictogram Animations in the 1940s Wibo Bakker The 1964 Tokyo Olympics Sports and Facilities Pictograms and the missing Asian link Keith Bresnahan GLYPHS Inc. and the International Pictographic Scene, 1966-1976.
Symbol22: Session 3 Friday
Maria del Mar Navarro: The School of Huejotzinco Codices: Pictographic Numeracy in Sixteenth Century Mexico Vaijayanti Ajinkya From Petroglyphs to Dingbats: A Brief Enquiry Valentina Staltari The Symbol Meaning of the Hand Jennifer 8 Lee: Hanmoji: A Tour Through Chinese Characters and Emoji Ellen Lupton
closes day 1.
Day 2:
8 October 2022
Session Videos
Examined the importance of symbols using Dreyfuss' book as a starting point considering themes of:
Universal language
Symbol design history
The influence of technology
Jason Forrest Convergence: Isotype by Intention Daniel Utz Openmoji: An open source emoji system Elianna Penkar Symbolism and Emojis.
Symbol22: Session 4 Saturday
Symbol22: Session 5 Saturday
Mandar Rane In pursuit of a Non-ambiguous Icon Sibylle Schlaich Designing a Gender-neutral Pictogram for “Person” Mao Kudo Symbols for People with Intellectual Disability Sergio Ramirez: National System of Pictograms for Tourism and Heritage in Chile.
Symbol22: Session 6 Saturday
Nigel Holmes Can Symbols Change Attitudes? An Argument for Provocative Icons Niv Kasher The use of Symbols & Pictograms in a Multilingual Society Caglar Okur Flags as Symbols used to Represent an Organization.
Symbol22: Session 7 Saturday
Karel van de Waarde Can Symbols Harm your health Rodrigo Ramirez Reacting to Symbols in Emergency Scenarios Veerapong Klangpremjit Tsunami Warning Sign System Development Project.